Type 2 Diabetes Prevention with the National Diabetes Prevention Program

The Prevent T2 Logo, consisting of the words “Prevent T2” as well as a stylized digital image of a person stretching

The Magna Library will be hosting a Prevent T2 course with the Salt Lake County Health Department beginning on Wednesday, March 12th.

Prevent T2 is a part of the National Diabetes Prevention Program, led by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The program has been proven to prevent or delay Type 2 Diabetes.

Research shows that modest behavior changes, such as making better food choices and increasing physical activity, reduce the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes by 58 percent in people at high risk for developing this disease.

The 12-month program consists of 26 one-hour discussions led by a trained lifestyle coach. The skills participants learn will empower them to make healthy changes for life.

For more information about the schedule for this program, as well as more information about Type 2 Diabetes risk, see the documentation below.